An die Deutsche Nation! Eine neue glorreiche Geschichte hebt mit dem heutigen Tage für Euch an! [To the German Nation! A new glorious history begins for you today!]

1848 Broadside proclamation of the King of Prussia’s dedication to German unity

Rare broadside proclamation by Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, declaring his dedication to German unity. The broadside was issued in the immediate aftermath of a March 1848 public demonstration which turned revolutionary and violent.

The day the broadside was issued, March 21, 1848, a mass funeral was held for the victims, the king and his ministers in attendance wearing the revolutionary colors of black red and gold—still the colors Germany today. By thus showing himself, the king affirmed his leadership of a new government.

Ihr seid fortan wieder eine einige große Nation, stark, frei und wichtig im Herzen von Europa! Preußens Friedrich Wilhelm IV. hat Sich, im Vertrauen auf Euren heldenmütigen Beistand und Eure geistige Wiedergeburt, zur Rettung Deutschlands an die Spitze des Gesamt-Vaterlandes gestellt. Ihr werdet Ihn mit den alten, ehrwürdigen Farben Deutscher Nation noch heute zu Pferde in Eurer Mitte erblicken. [From now on you are again a big nation, strong, free and important in the heart of Europe! Prussia’s Frederick William IV., Trusting in your heroic support and your spiritual rebirth, placed himself at the head of the total fatherland for the salvation of Germany. You will see Him with the old, venerable colors of the German Nation on horseback today in your midst.]

This rare broadside is noteworthy for its immediacy and for its being a harbinger of a future united Germany, a reality not achieved until 1871.

Description: An die Deutsche Nation! Eine neue glorreiche Geschichte hebt mit dem heutigen Tage für Euch an! [To the German Nation! A new glorious history begins for you today!]

Berlin: Gedruckt in Deckerschen Geheimen-Ober-Hofbuchdruckerei, 1848. Broadside.16¼ x 12 inches. Wove paper. Folds and much creasing; small loss not affecting text; foxing; overall, very good.


OCLC returns single copies in Germany, Denmark, and England.

Price: $1,250.00